Gloves Leone 1647 muay thai GN059 Bordeaux
If the Leone 1947 boxing gloves stand out for something, it is because of their design and quality. This model is designed for a beginner level. Very elegant burgundy color with brand logo and retro design. Excellent quality price of great comfort. Available in different ounces. Leone gloves available in black, green or white. Remember that you have cheap shipping for Europe.
Characteristics: Made of synthetic leather standing out for its wide velcro closure and thumb protection. As for the padding, it is made of foam rubber with good absorption, forming a quite acceptable padding for daily training at a beginner level. If these Leone 1947 gloves stand out for something, it is for their elegant design where red and gold are combined. Within the Leone 1947 GN059 range we can find other spectacular colors such as military green, navy blue, white and black.
Size boxing gloves : Available in 12 oz, 14 oz and 16 oz.
recommendations : Valid as gloves for muay thai, boxing and contact sports. It is important to emphasize that they are for exclusive training at a beginner level. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR MIDDLE OR ADVANCED LEVEL.
Tips: Never leave indoors after training. Let it air dry in a cool, dry place. Washing boxing bandages daily extends the life of your boxing gloves. Do not wash in the washing machine.
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